El Passy Muir Podcast

About the Podcast
Working with patients following tracheostomy and mechanical ventilation, questions arise regarding treatment interventions and best practices. Join speech-language pathologist, Dr. Kristin King, as she interviews healthcare professionals who work with this medically complex patient population. From dysphagia to speaking Valve use, each episode will build on your clinical knowledge and provide support for working with this patient population. Determining evidence-based assessments and interventions can be daunting. The Conversations on Aerodigestive Management Podcast, brought to you by Passy-Muir, provides listeners with clinical perspectives and cutting-edge research to address specific questions related to the clinical management of patients with aerodigestive health issues. Podcasts are audio-only.
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Hosted by:
Kristin King, PhD, CCC-SLP
Vice President of Clinical Education and Research
Production Editor:
Tiffany Oakes, MS, CCC-SLP
Season 2 Episodes
Episode 3 – Role of the SLP: From Intubation to Communication – Part Two with Marta Kazandjian Ranaldo, MA CCC-SLP BCS-S, CPT-EFS, F-ASHA, NBC-HWC and Karen Dikeman, MA, CCC-SLP
Episode 5 – Real Talk: Answering Common Questions about Non-Vent Valve Use – Part One with Kristin King, PhD, CCC-SLP; Carmin Bartow, MS, CCC-SLP, BCS-S; Tiffany Oakes, MS, CCC-SLP; and Rachel O’Hare, RRT
Episode 9 – Patient Perspective Part Three: What the SLP Should Know About Laryngectomy with Steve Cooper
Episode 11 – Flow: Pressure Control/Volume Control with Ventilator Management with Rachel O’Hare, RRT
Episode 13 – Oral Care and Hygiene: Part Two with Joann Cabacungan, MS, CCC-SLP, CBIS and Hilary Sample, MA, CCC-SLP
Episode 15 – Pediatric Feeding Disorders and the Relationship With Caregiver Coaching with Michelle Dawson, MS, CCC-SLP, CLC
Episode 19 – Student Training and Skills for Trach/Vent with Theresa Hopkins-Rossabi, PhD, CCC-SLP, BCS-S
Season 1 Episodes
Updates to the book: Communication and Swallowing Management of Tracheostomized and Ventilator Dependent Individuals With Marta Kazandjian, MA, CCC-SLP, BCS-S, ASHA Fellow and Karen Dikeman, MA, CCC-SLP
Episode 4 – Both Sides of the Table: Part One – RT Perspective with Mike Harrell, BS, RRT and Corey Mohnike, BS, RRT
Episode 10 – Part One: Starting Research in a Clinical Setting with Dr. Amy Freeman-Sanderson and Laura Brooks, M.Ed. CCC-SLP BCS-S
Speakers (Season 2)
Episode 1, 21, & 22 Speaker:
Rachel Johnson, Ph.D. CCC-SLP
Episode 2 & 3 Speaker:
Marta Kazandjian Ranaldo, MA CCC-SLP BCS-S, CPT-EFS, F-ASHA, NBC-HWC
Episode 2 & 3 Speaker:
Karen Dikeman, MA, CCC-SLP
Episode 4 Speaker:
M. Drue Lehmann, MS, CCC-SLP
Episode 4 Speaker:
Jenny Opalinski , MA, CCC-SLP
Episode 5 & 6 Speaker:
Kristin King, PhD, CCC-SLP
Episode 5 & 6 Speaker:
Tiffany Oakes, MS, CCC-SLP
Episode 5, 6, & 10 Speaker:
Carmin Bartow, MS, CCC-SLP
Episode 5, 6, & 11 Speaker:
Rachel O’Hare, RRT
Episode 7, 8 & 9 Speaker:
Steve Cooper
Episode 12 & 13 Speaker:
Hilary Sample, MA, CCC-SLP
Episode 12 & 13 Speaker:
Joann Cabacungan, MS, CCC-SLP, CBIS
Episode 14 & 15 Speaker:
Michelle Dawson, MS, CCC-SLP, CLC
Episode 16 & 17 Speaker:
Jennifer Beall, MS, CCC-SLP
Episode 18 Speaker:
Nicole DePalma, MS, CCC-SLP
Episode 19 Speaker:
Theresa Hopkins-Rossabi, PhD, CCC-SLP, BCS-S
Episode 20 Speaker:
Laura Brooks M.Ed. CCC-SLP BCS-S
Episode 20 Speaker:
Brooke Richardson, MS, CCC-SLP
Speakers (Season 1)
Episode 1 Speaker:
Christine Sapienza, PhD, CCC-SLP
Episode 2 Speaker:
Ed Bice, M.Ed., CCC-SLP
Episode 3 and Special Event Speaker:
Marta Kazandjian Ranaldo, MA CCC-SLP BCS-S, CPT-EFS, F-ASHA, NBC-HWC
Special Event Speaker:
Karen Dikeman, MA, CCC-SLP
Episode 4 Speaker:
Michael Harrell, BS, RRT
Episode 4 Speaker:
Corey Mohnike, BS, RRT
Episode 5 Speaker:
Laura Morgan, MS, CCC-SLP, CBIS
Episode 6 Speaker:
Dawn Ayala, RRT
Episode 6 Speaker:
Erin March, M.Ed., CCC-SLP, ATP
Episode 7 Speaker:
Nicola Clayton, SP, PhD
Episode 8 & 14 Speaker:
Brooke Richardson, MS, CCC-SLP
Episode 9 & 10 Speaker:
Amy Freeman-Sanderson, PhD B.App.Sc, CPSP, FEA
Episode 10, 11, 19, 20 Speaker:
Laura Brooks M.Ed. CCC-SLP BCS-S
Episode 12 Speaker:
Kristin King, PhD, CCC-SLP
Episode 13 Speaker:
Jenny Opalinski , MA, CCC-SLP
Episode 15 Speaker:
Buffy Buchanan, MS, CCC-SLP
Episode 15 Speaker:
David Shane Harper, DMSc, PA-C, DFAAPA
Episode 16 Speaker:
Ashley Lopez, MS, CCC-SLP, BCS-S
Episode 17 Speaker:
Tiffany Oakes, MS, CCC-SLP
Episode 17 Speaker:
Carmin Bartow, MS, CCC-SLP, BCS-S
Episode 18 Speaker:
Rachel O’Hare, RRT
Episode 20 Speaker:
Walter Reeder, BS, RRT
Educación Continua de Passy Muir
Continuing education credit offered for SLPs. All others will receive a Certificate of Attendance.
All podcasts offer .05 ASHA CEUs and .5 contact hours unless otherwise noted on the podcast.
Michael Harrell has varied experience in respiratory care clinical practice, education, and management. Prior to joining the Passy Muir clinical team in 2005, Michael was Director of Respiratory Care with Charlotte Regional Medical Center in Punta Gorda, Florida. Michael also presided as President of the Florida Society of Respiratory Care where he brought together his clinical knowledge and strong advocacy for patient care to improve respiratory care in the state of Florida. In his role as Director of Clinical Education-Respiratory with Passy Muir, he has presented both domestically and internationally.
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Employee of Passy-Muir, Inc.
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No relevant non-financial relationship exists
La Dra. Kristin King ha sido una patóloga del habla y lenguaje en una variedad de entornos desde 1995. Obtuvo su PhD en Ciencias de la Comunicación y Trastornos de la Universidad de East Carolina en 2008, especializándose en comunicación cognitiva y trastornos de la deglución con pacientes médicamente complejos de todas las edades. Ha capacitado a Patólogos del Habla y Lenguaje en FEES y VFSS y ha desarrollado programas para el manejo de pacientes con ventiladores y el uso de Válvulas Passy Muir®. También desarrolló programas para la evaluación, el tratamiento y el manejo de pacientes con lesión intracraneal. Ha publicado artículos revisados por colegas; es una oradora reconocida e invitada a nivel nacional e internacional sobre el uso de válvulas de habla, la evaluación y el tratamiento después de una lesión intracraneal y trastornos de la deglución; y ha servido como testigo experto. Actualmente realiza investigaciones en estas áreas y mantiene habilidades clínicas a través de servicios de consulta. También participa en el desarrollo de la educación multimedia sobre temas relacionados con la patología del habla y lenguaje, terapia respiratoria y enfermería, entre otras profesiones clínicas. Es la Vicepresidenta de Educación e Investigación Clínica de Passy Muir.
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Employee of Passy-Muir, Inc.
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No relevant nonfinancial relationship exists
Rachel O’Hare started her respiratory therapy career in the United States Army Reserves where she served 13 years and did one tour in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. After returning home, she began working as a traveler and has worked in hospitals across the United States, including Alaska and Hawaii. She has a very broad knowledge in respiratory care and has worked in all patient care areas, including Adult ICU, Pediatric ICU, and Neonatal ICU. She also has worked in a pulmonary function lab in addition to long-term care. In 2018, Rachel began to pursue her passion of teaching, advancing her career away from the bedside into becoming a clinical educator for critical care ventilation products. She spent the last few years working as a regional clinical educator, providing clinical education and support for all of Northern California before joining the Passy Muir clinical team in 2022.
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Employee of Passy-Muir, Inc.
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No relevant nonfinancial relationship exists
Carmin Bartow es una patóloga del habla y el lenguaje que tiene más de 20 años de experiencia trabajando con pacientes complejados médicamente en una variedad de entornos. Ella está certificada por la Junta en Tragar y Tragar Trastornos y es endoscopista certificada en el estado de Tennessee. Se ha especializado en la intervención, evaluación y tratamiento de disfagia de pacientes con traqueotomía y ventilación mecánica, y en la intervención de comunicación y deglución para pacientes con cáncer de cabeza y cuello. Carmin fue instrumental en el desarrollo y el éxito del equipo de traqueotomía del Centro Médico de la Universidad de Vanderbilt y en la conferencia anual de Patología del Habla Médica de Mejores Prácticas. Además, enseñado el curso de disfagia como instructora adjunta en la Universidad Estatal de Tennessee. Es autora y coautora de trabajos revisados por pares y presentaciones sobre disfagia, cáncer de cabeza y cuello, traqueotomía y ventilación mecánica, y equipos de traqueotomía multidisciplinarios. Carmin es actualmente una especialista clínica tiempo completo para Passy Muir.
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Employee of Passy-Muir, Inc.
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No relevant nonfinancial relationship exists
Tiffany graduated with a Master’s in Speech-Language Pathology from the University of Tennessee Health Science Center in 2012. She has been a medical SLP in various settings from acute care to home health, treating both the adult and medically complex pediatric populations. Tiffany has experience developing patient care pathways to guide assessment and treatment selection for patients in home health, at both the state and national level. She has participated in research related to patients with TBI and sports concussions, and she has experience with research analysis and writing white papers. She is a volunteer for Remote Area Medical (RAM), assisting with medical services. She also participates in the development of multimedia education related to healthcare and clinical practice.
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Employee of Passy-Muir, Inc.
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No relevant nonfinancial relationship exists
Buffy Buchanan is a speech-language pathologist (SLP) with 20 years of experience evaluating and treating a variety of patients in a level III trauma acute care hospital. She specializes in dysphagia management for the patient populations who are critically and neurologically ill, as well as tracheostomy and ventilator dependent. Buffy received her Master of Science degree from West Texas A&M University and is the speech-language pathology supervisor at Northwest Texas Healthcare System. She is proficient in instrumental swallowing assessments (FEES and VFSS). She served the lead role in the development of the first interdisciplinary tracheostomy team for an acute care hospital in the U.S. She continues to serve on the tracheostomy team and collects ongoing data for program development and improved process standards.
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Full-time employee of Northwest Texas Healthcare System.
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No relevant non-financial relationship exists
Walter has 30 years of critical care experience as a registered respiratory therapist (RRT). The last 21 years have been at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta at Egleston in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). He also serves as the family and patient tracheotomy educator, training caregivers on how to take care of a child at home who has a tracheotomy, and provides follow-up through an outpatient clinic every three to four months. Walter works closely with the medical team, including involvement in research and co-authoring peer-reviewed articles.
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Full-time employee of Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta
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No relevant non-financial relationship exists
Dr. Harper started his career in medicine at age seventeen as a nocturnal EKG tech in rural Texas. He obtained his BS in Respiratory Care and eventually became a Physician Assistant specializing in Trauma/Surgical Critical Care. Currently Dr. Harper, is a faculty member of the Texas Tech Department of Surgery while serving as the Medical Director of the Surgical Intensive Care Unit at Northwest Texas Hospital, tactical medical officer for the S.W.A.T. Randal County Sheriffs Office, founding Editor-in-Chief of the West Texas Journal of Medicine and maintains several academic appointments. He has been an invited lecturer on a variety of critical care issues from the local to national level, is extensively published and has authored a chapter for Interventional Critical Care: A Manual for Advanced Practice Providers.
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Full-time employee of Northwest Texas Healthcare System.
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No relevant non-financial relationship exists
Ashley M. Lopez is a board-certified specialist in swallowing and the lead clinician for the rehabilitation team at Houston Methodist Continuing Care Hospital at the Texas Medical Center. She is an LDP (Leadership Development Program) alumni and an inaugural recipient of the ECP (distinguished early career professional) certificate. She currently serves as the Vice President for social media for the Hispanic Caucus and is CE content manager for SIG13.
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Ashley is employed and salaried a senior clinician at Houston Methodist Continuing Care Hospital at the Texas Medical Center.
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Houston Methodist Continuing Care Hospital was awarded Passy Muir Center of Excellence in 2020.
Jenny Opalinski is a practicing medical Speech-Language Pathologist with 10 years of experience in acute care. She is a member of the interdisciplinary trach/vent weaning team at her facility. She is currently employed at CareOne LTACH, a PMV Center of Excellence. She also utilizes Respiratory Muscle Strength Training (RMST) as a part of her daily clinical practice and for research. She has interests in pursuing evidence-based practice that will enhance the care of her patients for both the areas of communication and swallowing.
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Full-time clinician at CareOne at Trinitas.
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No relevant non-financial relationship exists
Laura Morgan, MS, CCC-SLP, CBIS, lives in Maryland, where she works at HIRRS (Head Injury Rehabilitation and Referral Services), providing support, assessment, and therapy for patients with brain injury. She speaks at both the local and national level, sharing observations from her experiences as a person with a traumatic brain injury. Prior to returning to the practice of speech-language pathology, she served as a research assistant for the Speech-Language Pathology Department of the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.
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Clinical Consultant with Passy Muir Inc.
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No relevant non-financial relationship exists
Erin March, M.Ed., CCC-SLP, ATP, is the Inpatient Therapy Director at Bethany Children’s Health Center where she has been employed since June 2001 as a Speech-Language Pathologist. She received her Bachelor of Science in Communication Disorders and Master Degree in Speech Pathology from the University of Central Oklahoma in 1998 and 2000, respectively. She is an ASHA certified SLP and member of the Oklahoma Speech-Language Hearing. Erin was certified as an Assistive Technology Professional by RESNA in January 2008. Erin and her husband, Robbie, have 3 children: Garrett, Olivia, and Amelia.
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Full-time healthcare professionals with Bethany Children’s Health Center
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No relevant non-financial relationship exists
Marta Kazandjian Ranaldo, MA CCC-SLP BCS-S, CPT-EFS, F-ASHA, NBC-HWC, is a nationally recognized Medical Speech Pathologist who is Board Certified in Swallowing Disorders. She obtained more education at the prestigious University of Arizona’s Integrative Medical Program. There she became certified in Integrative Lifestyle Management. She also is certified as an Integrative Health Coach and a nationally Board-Certified Health and Wellness Coach. Marta later became a Certified Personal Trainer-Exercise Fitness Specialist and Reiki Master. Her career in healthcare has allowed her to work with patients who present with a variety of illnesses including neurological diagnoses, neurodegenerative diseases, digestive, pulmonary conditions, and cancer. Marta’s 30-year healthcare background, experience as a patient, education in preventative health and lifestyle management, personal fitness training and use of REIKI provides a unique and powerful perspective to those who seek optimal health in survivorship. She is a well-recognized speaker and co-author of Communication and Swallowing Management of Tracheostomized and Ventilator Dependent Individuals (3rd Ed).
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Co-author of Communication and Swallowing Management of Tracheostomized and Ventilator Dependent Individuals (3rd Ed) and receives royalties.
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No relevant nonfinancial relationship exists
Ed Bice, M.Ed., CCC-SLP, is a Speech-Language Pathologist currently in the role of Clinical Consultant for IOPI Medical, LLC. Ed has worked in the health care industry with extensive training in dysphagia. His experience includes a variety of settings: acute care, outpatient, home health and skilled nursing. In addition to his clinical experience, Ed has held various leadership positions. He has worked as a Regional Manager, Vice President of Clinical Services, and Chief Operating Officer. He has been an invited speaker for universities, as well as national and state conventions.
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Ed Bice is a full-time Clinical Consultant with IOPI Medical, LLC.
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No relevant nonfinancial relationship exists
Christine Sapienza, PhD, CCC-SLP, currently serves as provost of Jacksonville University. She is an academician, a strong female leader and mentor to 1000’s of students, with a professional career spanning more than two decades in college education. Dr. Sapienza holds a Bachelor of Science, and Master of Science and PhD. Today, Dr. Christine Sapienza is highly regarded throughout the country for her sustaining and innovative work in speech-language pathology. Dr. Sapienza’s expertise is relied upon by academic colleagues and clinicians worldwide.
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Dr. Sapienza has no relevant financial disclosures.
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Although Dr. Sapienza is a co-inventor of the EMST150, she receives no financial benefit from the sale of the EMST150.
Content Disclosure –
During the podcast, the EMST150 and EMST75 devices are discussed as pressure threshold devices.
Karen Dikeman, MA, CCC-SLP, is a specialist in swallowing and swallowing disorders. She is a coauthor of Communication and Swallowing Management of Tracheostomized and Ventilator Dependent Individuals (3rd Ed), as well as numerous peer-reviewed articles and book chapters. She has led both national and international seminars and participated in several national clinical trials, including Protocol 201, the use of the Blom speaking tracheotomy tube, and the MOLST protocol. She is well-known for her knowledge of patients with tracheostomies and provides education, publications, and conducts research with this patient population.
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Co-author of Communication and Swallowing Management of Tracheostomized and Ventilator Dependent Individuals (3rd Ed) and receives royalties.
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No relevant non-financial disclosures.
Dawn Ayala, RRT is the Director of Respiratory Therapy Services at Bethany Children’s Health Center. She has worked at Bethany Children’s Health Center since 2016, but has been a respiratory therapist, in a variety of settings, for 22 years. Dawn holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Missouri. She is credentialed through the National Board of Respiratory Care as a registered respiratory therapist. She also is a certified asthma educator. Dawn has been married to her husband, Alberto for 18 years. They have 2 boys, Nathaniel and Noah, three dogs, one lizard, one snake, and one fish. They all keep Dawn very busy.
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Full-time healthcare professionals with Bethany Children’s Health Center
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No relevant nonfinancial relationship exists
Dr Nicola Clayton, has been a Clinical Specialist Speech Pathologist at Concord Repatriation General Hospital for 17 Years. She is recognized nationally and internationally for her clinical expertise and research in the assessment and treatment of complex swallowing disorders specifically in severe burn injury, acute respiratory disease, and critical illness. Nicola has a strong passion for working with tracheostomy patients, was one of the founding members of the Multidisciplinary Tracheostomy Team at Concord Hospital, and instrumental in the design and implementation of the Tracheostomy Weaning Pathway. As the coordinator of the NSW Dysphagia Interest Group for the past 15 years, lecturer in dysphagia management at Macquarie University, and key instructor in various dysphagia and burn related workshops, Nicola is committed to the education of undergraduate and graduate Speech Pathologists as well as other multidisciplinary staff. Nicola has authored multiple peer reviewed publications, book chapters, and professional guidelines/professional practice documents, and she presents domestically and internationally.
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Employee of Concord Repatriation General Hospital; Consultant for Main Medical
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No relevant nonfinancial relationship exists
Theresa Hopkins-Rossabi is an Assistant Professor at the Medical University of South Carolina in the Division of SLP. A certified speech-language pathologist and board certified in swallowing, she has over 35 years of clinician experience primarily in the acute care setting. Her Ph.D. research was focused on respiratory-swallow coordination.
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Theresa Hopkins-Rossabi receives a salary from MUSC and works PRN for Carolina Speech Pathology, a mobile FEES company.
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No relevant nonfinancial relationship exists
Brooke Richardson, MS, CCC-SLP, has been treating adults with complex medical needs in the acute and outpatient settings since 2009. She has been instrumental in establishing Respiratory Muscle Training (RMT) programs in multiple hospitals and other healthcare settings. She speaks domestically and internationally on RMT. Brooke seeks to improve patient care by emphasizing the importance of understanding a patient’s whole medical picture when evaluating and treating. Her passion for improving patient care and for empowering her fellow Medical SLPs led her to found The Modern MedSLP. When she’s not teaching or seeing medically-complex patients, Brooke spends quality time with her husband and daughter, drinking coffee, and dreaming of her next travel destination.
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Employee of UNC Rex Hospital; Owner of The Modern MedSLP
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No relevant nonfinancial relationship exists
Amy Freeman-Sanderson, PhD B.App.Sc, CPSP, FEA, is a Senior Lecturer and a Certified Practicing Speech Pathologist in the Graduate School of Health, University of Technology Sydney. She holds an Honorary Clinical Specialist Speech Pathologist appointment at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital Sydney, an Honorary Fellow in the Critical Care Division at The George Institute for Global Health and is an Affiliate of the Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Research Centre (ANZIC-RC), School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. She has over 20 years of clinical experience including speech pathology and management roles in quaternary and tertiary Sydney and London hospitals. Her role in education has been recognised as an awarded Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Dr Freeman-Sanderson’s research interests in critical care include communication and swallowing function during and after ICU, tracheostomy management, and allied health workforce planning/training. Her clinically focussed research includes national and international collaborations reporting on communication and swallowing function following sepsis. She is also a co-lead investigator for the development of a core outcome set for interventions to enable communication for patients with an artificial airway. Dr Freeman-Sanderson has delivered over 55 conference presentations and invited papers nationally and internationally in her research areas. Her research has been recognised through awards including the inaugural ‘Best Allied Health Paper’ at the Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society (ANZICS) conference and Junior Investigator Travel award at the Dysphagia Research Society (2020).
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No relevant financial disclosures.
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No relevant nonfinancial relationship exists
Laura Brooks M.Ed. CCC-SLP BCS-S, received her undergraduate degree from the University of Florida and her Master’s degree from the University of Virginia. She has been a speech language pathologist since 1999, and has been board certified in swallowing disorders since 2012. She is a Clinical Specialist at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta working with pediatric patients in the intensive care units and acute care units. She specializes in management of pediatric dysphagia and tracheostomy/ ventilator dependent patients. She has published research, journal articles, case studies, and textbook chapters related to pediatric dysphagia and tracheostomy/ventilator dependent patients. She serves on the Bioethics Committee, Global Tracheostomy Committee, and ICU Liberation/Early Mobility/ECMO Committee at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta.
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Clinical Specialist at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta
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No relevant nonfinancial relationship exists
Rachel Johnson, Ph.D. CCC-SLP is an associate professor of Communication Sciences & Disorders at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, VA, specializing in acquired neurogenic disorders and augmentative and alternative communication. Her research investigates cognitive and procedural aspects of learning with a specific interest in the structure of practice, schedule of feedback, and motivation for optimizing communication, participation, and quality of life following a neurological brain injury and neurologically healthy adult populations.
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No relevant financial disclosures.
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No relevant nonfinancial relationship exists
Nicole DePalma, MS, CCC-SLP received her bachelor’s degree at Georgetown University and subsequently earned her master’s degree at NY Medical College in Speech-Language Pathology. She is the owner of NDoscopy Dysphagia Specialists, partnering with hospitals, subacute facilities, and skilled nursing facilities in New York City to provide Flexible Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES) and provide consulting for interdisciplinary tracheostomy team development. As a consultant, she has presented courses on speaking valve use, dysphagia, and communication management at facilities, conferences, and universities throughout the nation.
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Owner of NDoscopy Dysphagia Specialists. President of Tracheostomy Education. Clinical Consultant with Passy Muir.
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No relevant nonfinancial relationship exists
Michelle Dawson, MS, CCC-SLP, CLC, a speech-language pathologist with Midlands Therapy Services in Columbia, SC, and adjunct professor with the University of South Carolina, is the acclaimed host of “First Bite: Fed, Fun, Functional” a weekly Speech Therapy Podcast that addresses “all thangs” Pediatric Speech Therapy which is presented by Speechtherapypd.com. Recently, Michelle authored “Chasing the Swallow: Truth, Science, and Hope for Pediatric Feeding and Swallowing Disorders.” She is an accomplished lecturer; traveling across the nation delivering courses on best practices for evaluation and treatment of the medically complex infant, toddler, and child with respect to their pediatric oropharyngeal dysphagia, pediatric feeding disorder, as well as language acquisition within the framework of Early Intervention. She volunteers with Feeding Matters and Dysphagia Outreach Project, has served as the Treasurer for the Council of State Association Presidents, is a Past President of the South Carolina Speech, Language, and Hearing Association, and a 2017 graduate of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association’s Leadership Development Program, and a 2020 recipient of the Pediatric Feeding Disorder Awareness Champion from Feeding Matters, a 2021 recipient of the Louis M. DiCarlo Award for Outstanding Clinical Achievement from the South Carolina Speech, Language, and Hearing Association, a 2021 recipient of the State Clinical Achievement Award from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Foundation, and nine-time recipient of American Speech-Language-Hearing Association’s ACE Award for continuing education.
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No relevant financial disclosures.
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No relevant nonfinancial relationship exists
Steve Cooper is a lifelong resident of the state of Maryland. He is married to his beautiful wife Robin, whom he met over 49 years ago. Steve underwent a Total Laryngectomy in February 2019 and received his Tracheoesophageal Voice Prosthesis (TEP) in September 2019. He owns, and actively manages a wholesale food brokerage business. Steve is a current or former board member of; The Governor’s Advisory Board for Telecommunication Relay (Maryland), Lary’s Speakeasy Laryngectomee Cancer Support Group, The International Association of Laryngectomees and is a peer to peer mentor for Imerman Angels Cancer Support Group and SHOHNC as well as several major hospitals in the Washington DC metro area. Because of the early help and ongoing mentoring that he received from many of the wonderful members of the laryngectomee community, Steve has been instilled with a heartfelt desire to assist other laryngectomees, family members and SLPs in any way possible. He continually welcomes the opportunity to meet with new patients, family members, Speech Pathologists and others, and to be a staunch advocate in the Laryngectomee community. Steve has met with many new laryngectomees, pre or post operatively and always finds it to be a very rewarding experience. Please feel free to contact him at StevenDCooper@gmail.com
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No relevant financial disclosures.
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No relevant nonfinancial relationship exists
Jennifer is the owner of Dysphagia Decision Solutions, LLC and has been a speech-language pathologist for more than 20 years. She has been providing FEES services since 2005. She is a graduate of the University of South Alabama with a Masters of Science in Speech and Hearing Sciences. She received her Certificate of Clinical Competency in 1995. Since graduating as a speech-language pathologist, Jennifer’s primary focus has been the study and treatment of dysphagia. She has an extensive background delivering dysphagia services in nursing homes, long-term acute care hospitals, acute rehab hospitals, and acute-care hospitals. Jennifer is an educator for Passy Muir and has been an advocate of the Passy-Muir Valve and treated patients with tracheostomies and on ventilators since 1998. She is Vital Stim and Advanced Vital Stim certified, trained with Susan Langmore (the inventor of FEES), and has presented at FLASHA (Florida Association of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists) as well as AHSA.
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Clinical Consultant with Passy Muir.
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No relevant nonfinancial relationship exists
JoAnn Cabacungan is a practicing medical SLP with experience in a variety of settings including acute care, inpatient rehabilitation hospital (IRH), skilled nursing facility (SNF) and home health. She is passionate about providing patient-centered care, especially for adult medically complex patients. Her primary clinical focus includes dysphagia and dystussia. JoAnn enjoys sharing evidence based practice with graduate student clinicians and practicing SLPs. She has presented at both at the state and national level, including Ohio Speech-Language-Hearing Association (OSLHA) Learning Academy, American Medical Rehabilitation Provider’s Association (AMPRA) and ASHA. JoAnn has also guest lectured at the University of Akron.
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No relevant financial disclosures.
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No relevant nonfinancial relationship exists
Hilary Sample provides speech-language pathology services in the inpatient rehabilitation hospital and acute care settings, with primary clinical interests in swallowing and upper airway disorders. She is passionate about education, serving as FEES trainer, peer mentor, and student supervisor, developing staff competencies, and guest lecturing at universities. Hilary has presented at the state and national level, including the Ohio Speech Language Hearing Association (OSLHA), American Medical Rehabilitation Providers Association (AMRPA), and ASHA. In addition to her clinical work, she currently serves as adjunct professor at Cleveland State University and is co-owner/co-founder of Communication Rescue Services, LLC where she co-created the MedConcerns app.
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No relevant financial disclosures.
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No relevant nonfinancial relationship exists
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No relevant financial disclosures.
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No relevant nonfinancial relationship exists
Corey Mohnike, BS, RRT, is a registered respiratory therapist at a Level II Trauma Center. Corey joined the Passy Muir consultant team with significant experience regarding the Passy Muir® Valve. His experience includes use of the Valve both as a patient requiring a tracheostomy after a motor vehicle accident and working with the Valve in medical facilities as an RRT. Corey worked at Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital, a Passy Muir Center of Excellence, in areas that served many ventilator patients using the Valve. He has co-authored multiple procedures regarding Passy Muir Valve assessment and application with patients on mechanical ventilation. Corey served as the Clinical Educator for a multidisciplinary staff at Bryan Health in Lincoln, Nebraska. He was also involved with the Nebraska Society for Respiratory Care, and has spoken at multiple state meetings and national conferences. He is now the RT Educator at The Medical Center of the Rockies in Loveland, CO.
Financial –
Clinical Consultant with Passy Muir Inc.
Nonfinancial –
No relevant nonfinancial relationship exists